Emerick - Real Estate and Construction

Building beautiful custom homes and creating distinctive communities in the Mesilla Valley has been the tradition of the Emerick family for over 50 years. Honesty, creativity, beauty and pacesetting in design, construction, and land development define the Emerick name. With enthusiasm we invite you to explore our web site, visit our homes, and talk to us about designing and building your home and/or work place.

Checklist avant l’achat d’un appartement

Les appartements peuvent constituer une première maison ou un investissement immobilier parfait, mais personne ne devrait choisir la grande vie sans d’abord prendre en considération ces facteurs importants.

Beaucoup moins chers que les maisons, les appartements sont une excellente alternative pour ceux qui veulent vivre à proximité de la ville. Mais ils varient en taille et en installations, et certains ont des coûts cachés.

Les acheteurs avertis doivent donc regarder au-delà du prix et approfondir les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque propriété avant de signer sur la ligne pointillée.

Voici une liste de contrôle pour vous aider à acheter un appartement qui vous convient.

  1. Renseignez-vous sur les frais de copropriété

Acheter un appartement signifie généralement acheter dans un plan de copropriété, qui est essentiellement un système de propriété dans lequel les individus sont entièrement propriétaires de leurs appartements, ou “lots”, et partagent la propriété de la propriété commune de l’immeuble avec leurs voisins.
En conséquence, les immeubles d’appartements modernes avec ascenseurs, piscines et salles de sport ont tendance à facturer des frais assez élevés, les propriétaires individuels facturant généralement un montant proportionnel à la taille de l’appartement qu’ils possèdent. Et il vaut donc la peine d’en savoir beaucoup avant de décider d’acheter ou non une propriété.

  1. Renseignez-vous sur votre syndic et les propriétaires
    Si vous choisissez d’acheter une propriété sur un titre de copropriété, vous deviendrez très probablement membre d’une société de propriétaires.

Ces entités juridiques ont le pouvoir d’appliquer des règles strictes sur le bruit, la possession d’animaux de compagnie et l’utilisation des espaces communs, et il est donc important de faire vos devoirs sur la société des propriétaires pour vous assurer que leurs règles correspondent bien à votre style de vie.

Certaines sociétés de propriétaires exigent également que les membres assistent à des réunions régulières, tandis que d’autres sont beaucoup plus détendus.

Vérifiez votre contrat de vente pour plus de détails sur la société des propriétaires, demandez à l’agent comment ils sont et, si vous le pouvez, jetez un œil aux procès-verbaux des réunions récentes pour plus d’informations.

  1. Découvrez les installations à proximité
    Dans la plupart des cas, la vie en appartement signifie moins d’espace, il est donc essentiel de considérer les installations à proximité avant d’acheter.

Par exemple, si vous avez un chien, vous voudrez un parc ou un accès à une aire ouverte. Et puis vous voudrez peut-être vous demander si l’appartement dispose d’un bon accès aux supermarchés et à une salle de sport.

La vie en appartement peut également être assez étouffante, il vaut donc la peine d’acheter quelque part à proximité des bars, des cafés et des restaurants.

Si vous investissez, ces points forts à proximité rendront également votre propriété plus attrayante pour les locataires.

  1. Cherchez une place de parking
    Les parkings sont souvent rares autour des appartements.

C’est pourquoi il est préférable de rechercher une unité qui a un espace de voiture désigné sur le titre - à moins que la commodité supplémentaire n’ajoute trop au prix.

Si vous n’avez pas de voiture, renseignez-vous sur les transports en commun disponibles et familiarisez-vous avec la situation du stationnement, afin de pouvoir guider les visiteurs dans la bonne direction lorsqu’ils viennent séjourner.

  1. Pensez au stockage

Les propriétaires d’appartements doivent être avertis lorsqu’il s’agit d’utiliser l’espace.

De nombreux grands complexes offrent un accès à des cages de stockage dans le parking, mais si vous n’avez pas d’espace supplémentaire disponible sur votre titre, assurez-vous d’enquêter sur les installations de stockage à proximité.

Alternativement, vous pouvez faire preuve de créativité avec quelques astuces de stockage simples ou purger vos affaires avant d’emménager.

  1. Les voisins
    Vous ne pouvez pas souvent contrôler qui sont vos voisins dans un complexe d’appartements, mais il est important de se rappeler qu’ils peuvent avoir un impact important sur votre style de vie.

Renseignez-vous auprès de l’agent sur les autres locataires de l’immeuble et organisez autant de visites que possible avant de signer le contrat. De cette façon, vous aurez une bien meilleure chance de déterminer comment le mode de vie de vos voisins pourrait affecter le vôtre.

Après tout, si vous recherchez une vie tranquille, emménager dans une tour d’appartements adaptée aux étudiants près d’une université n’est peut-être pas ce qu’il vous faut.

  1. Renseignez-vous sur l’élimination des déchets
    Les procédures de déchets et de recyclage diffèrent d’un complexe d’appartements à l’autre. Certains utilisent des vide-ordures; d’autres, des poubelles à roulettes à l’ancienne.

Et certains sont beaucoup plus respectueux de l’environnement que d’autres. C’est pourquoi c’est une bonne idée de rechercher quel système votre nouvelle maison potentielle a en place.

  1. Taux de vacance et hébergement de courte durée
    Si vous achetez un appartement pour y vivre, il est important de savoir combien d’unités dans l’immeuble sont vacantes et si des unités sont utilisées pour des locations de courte durée.

En effet, les appartements vides peuvent avoir un impact sur l’ambiance de la communauté complexe, et les locations de courte durée présentent souvent des problèmes de bruit et de sécurité.

  1. Évaluer la sécurité
    Les appartements ont plus de personnes qui vont et viennent que les maisons, et il est donc important de considérer les dispositifs de sécurité que chaque complexe a mis en place.

Les complexes nouveaux et plus grands ont généralement des cartes magnétiques, des caméras de sécurité, des codes d’accès et parfois des gardes. Ceux-ci offrent une plus grande tranquillité d’esprit, mais ajoutent également un peu à vos frais annuels.

Pendant ce temps, les immeubles démodés n’ont parfois aucune sécurité.

  1. Structure du bâtiment
    L’intégrité structurelle du bâtiment et l’aménagement de l’appartement devraient être des considérations essentielles pour tout acheteur.

Lors de l’inspection d’une unité, recherchez des signaux d’alarme tels que des fissures, de la moisissure ou des joints cassés. Vérifiez si l’appartement a des tapis et de quoi sont faits les murs, afin que vous puissiez avoir une bonne idée de la façon dont l’unité isolera du bruit.

Obtenir l’approbation pour rénover des appartements est difficile, surtout si vous faites de gros changements, donc si vous n’êtes pas satisfait de la conception, il est préférable de chercher ailleurs.

Company Information

Meet our Team:

Mission statement:
Our goal is to enjoy and provide a creative, disciplined, and equitable approach to custom building for our clients and associates.

Company History

After apprenticing under his brother-in-law, Seaborn Collins (National Commander of the American Legion), Lewis E Emerick, Sr. and his wife Sara started their business in 1950. They soon established themselves as premier builders, Realtors, and developers of residential and commercial properties in the Mesilla Valley. They built numerous subdivisions, commercial properties, custom homes and condominiums between 1950 and 1985. They also raised three children in the tradition of their Christian conservative values during the turbulent 60’s, while maintaining a cutting edge in the construction industry. Together they established a reputation of building a quality product with integrity and concern for their clients. Lewis was also a founding director of Citizen’s Bank of Las Cruces, and held various responsibilities in local, state, and national home builder’s associations. Sara was his interior decorator, real estate broker, and adoring wife. To them Ed, their son, owes his training and start in the construction and real estate business.
In 1976, Lewis E. Emerick, Jr. or Ed, as he is called, graduated from New Mexico State University with a baccalaureate in civil engineering technology. At the same time Joanne Lepley, Ed’s future wife, graduated from the Texas School of Nursing at El Paso with a baccalaureate. On October 25, 1996, Ed was honored as a “Centennial Distinguished Alumni in Recognition for his Contributions in Property Development and Construction Management” from the NMSU College of Engineering. Together they have built numerous custom homes from starter homes, to million dollar mansions, and high end condominiums. They started and completed the last three phases of “Mesilla Park Manor” residential neighborhoods, and the last 2 phases of “Mesilla Park Heritage,” a condominium community of 65 units. These are good examples of mixed use neighborhoods with single family, condominium, and some light commercial within a 90 acre tract. Annexation into the City of Las Cruces was part of that process. In 2004 they broke new ground and set new standards with a very unique and upscale gated community called “Mesilla Park Mosaic” located in the Extra Territorial Zone (ETZ) of Dona Ana County. Ed has also teamed up with John and Paul Curry to develop 100 acres of residential subdivisions at The Ridge, Northrise Estates, and El Dorado.
Currently they are building a new extended stay motel called Staybridge.

Ed & Joanne have home schooled three children and are home schooling the fourth. Anna Emerick-Biad, their first born, is a real estate broker par excellence, and married to Chris Biad one of the valleys premier chile processing entrepreneurs. Daniel, Katherine, and Nathanael Emerick are still forging their futures and determining their destinies.

It would be wrong to give this brief history without saying that God has been both merciful and good to the Emericks. We firmly believe the ancient biblical proverb that says, “By wisdom a house is built and through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” This is what we strive to do in humble appreciation to all those who help us accomplish this on going goal.

What people are saying

Comments from Ed:
Before reading these notes and letters please know that it is not with arrogance that I present to you copies of these testimonials, but rather it is with a profound humility. Each client has been greatly enjoyed and appreciated. Surely our success has been due to the outstanding character and taste of each client. Not every client has sent me notes of appreciation. Neither have I ever received a note or letter of dissatisfaction, although I am sure that every client has had some level of disappointment. Some of these comments are more esteeming than others, but I feel that they will give you an accurate picture of what it is like to do business with us. My only regret is that I must continue to spend most of my time building new homes instead of visiting and spending time with these clients and friends that I have shared part of my life with

Copies of the original notes and letters with signatures are available upon request.

Dear Ed,
Thanks again for such a beautiful home. We cherish it everyday. You really made it a positive, exciting, and fun experience for Vicki and I!

Doug Mackay

Words can never describe how much we appreciate all that you have done for us!! Our home is absolutely gorgeous and we owe it all to you! Without your generosity we would never have been able to build such a home. I just can’t express how much it means to me! Our house is so much more beautiful than I had ever imagined! You are an incredible builder!



Dear Ed & Joanne
We hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. We feel so blessed to have found you as our builder. It has been our privilege working with you.


Rick & Judy

Dear Ed & Joanne:
In writing this long overdue letter to you, we, Gloria and I, have greatly enjoyed our association with you and your company. Not only have we owned one condominium but two built by your company. When we custom designed our unit, your expertise and guidance was appreciated. Before, during and after construction it was a pleasure to work with you. The results were beautiful and the craftsmanship was outstanding and where minor “glitches” occurred, they were handled within an acceptable time and to our satisfaction. As a recently retired public relations and advertising executive of a major utility company, your manner and integrity was an example of how things should and are done. Your dealings with the public as a whole and as individuals is reflected in your company’s success. Thank you for being the builder of our beautiful retirement home and for your friendship.


BG & Mrs. Byron E. Quimbey USAR (Ret.)

To whom it may concern:
We found when building our home that there were a great many decisions to be made from what seemed to be an infinite number of options. The last thing anyone would want when building a home is to have to question the ability or the integrity of their builder. We were fortunate to have a builder we could trust implicitly. We can’t begin to measure how pleased we are with our home, but we are also very happy with the relationship we have formed with our builder, Ed Emerick.

In the course of designing and building our home Ed provided valuable counsel, which in many instances saved us time and money and in some instances kept us from making costly mistakes. We have complete confidence that Ed Emerick will continue to back his work with quality service and workmanship. Ed’s talents are not only as a builder of quality houses - he takes the time to know his clients so that he can help them to create “a home” uniquely designed for them.

Before building, we were discouraged by the horror stories we had heard from friends and relatives who had homes built - but then, Ed Emerick wasn’t their builder.

Fred and Donna Borman

Dear Ed,
We want to write and express our appreciation for the excellent quality home you built for us. We would like to highly recommend to others that you should build their new for them, too. However, it is extremely difficult for us to adequately express in letter form our satisfaction with the excellent job that you did for us.

From the time we first viewed the workmanship in your model home, we desired an Emerick built home. As we started meeting with you, you never applied any pressure and stayed very congenial. How important that was to us as we had never experienced having a custom home built before.

You spent time with us on selecting the right floor plan and then referred us to Willie Carrillo, who diligently worked with us to meet our personal needs. As the building began, you selected only the best in sub-contractors for us. Each was interested in the quality of workmanship and, consequently, we have a home that we feel caters to our personal family needs.

Ed, we feel that you went beyond your requirements as a builder. You have such a high standard for every facet of building our home. It was, as if, you took as much pride in our home as we personally do. After having lived in our new home for a month, we appreciate even more the fact that you were our builder. This home goes far beyond our dreams.

We appreciate most of all your character. The sub-contractors would tell us of your desire for only the best quality for your customers. You are highly respected by all the sub- contractors and your fellow builders. That says quite a lot about you.

Thank you for keeping us within our own budget and getting us the most for the dollar. We would like to have our home available for others to see if they are considering using you as a builder. Just walking through our beautiful, yet warm home, will convince others, who desire to build a home, to select an Emerick built home.

Thank you again for being our builder, yet through this time of knowing you, you have become our friend.

Yours truly,

Sara and Jim Dixon

To whom it may concern:
One of the nice features of living in an Emerick home is that the Emericks are neighbors and friends. When you buy one of their homes you are not forgotten. Ed is there when you need him to advise, suggest, and even to find workers when repairs or improvements are needed. No two homes are the same. The elevations and floor plans are quite varied. All are attractive and carefully designed.

Needles to say, we are pleased to live in such a beautiful area. We are satisfied that as long as Emericks are building around us the beauty will last.


Del Dyche

Dear Ed:
This is in response to your letter of 14 April. First I must apologize for being late in answering you, but we were away much of May and part of June.

Now for your questions. Obviously, we like Emerick houses, our present house is the third Emerick house that we have owned. Certainly, you have our permission to use our statements in an advertising brochure.

Value: Our hose has a value of approximately $130,000.00, including the lot, pool, and rock wall. Quality: Workmanship and materials, in my opinion, above the quality usually seen in house construction in Las Cruces, particularly, the framing and other bits and pieces hidden behind and in the walls were above standard. We are very pleased with the quality of construction.

Warranty: We had no trouble in getting things fixed after we moved into the house. The service was prompt and adjustments were made with a minimum of fuss. Integrity: There is simply no question about the integrity of Emerick Builders. They do exactly what they say they will do. If a change in material is required (different from the specifications) the change is explained, and the decision to use the alternate is left to the customer, however, Emerick Builders supplies information for the customer to make a meaningful decision.

Professionalism: The house was built in an organized fashion and in a timely manner. Emerick Builders builds a house slower than some builders. Our house required 5 months to build. However, I appreciated this slowness, because as Ed Emerick said, “I can hide many things if I were to build a house quickly. I prefer to have the customer look at and examine each step of the building.” The house was delivered within about 2 weeks of the target date.

Design: We are very pleased with Ed Emerick’s design for our house. We wanted a completely passive solar house and Ed Emerick supplied a design that has worked superbly well.

Satisfaction: We are pleased with our house. In our view Emerick Builders accomplished a delicate task of balancing quality frame construction with a limited budget for finish carpentry. While there were some things we would have liked to have done differently, the finish work was kept with our budget and any overruns were carefully and clearly explained to us. We made the decision to exceed our budget, we were not just presented with a bill for the excesses.

Congeniality: Emerick Builders are very easy to work with. Ed Emerick sits down with you and discusses your lifestyle, desires, budgets, and your anticipated use of the house, patio, and yard. One must be careful in these discussions because Emerick Builders believe what you say and do their best to provide what you ask for. At every step of the construction you are encouraged to visit the construction site, examine the work in progress and discuss it with Ed. Many times, features appear different when they are built than when they are drawings on plans. If a change or modification is needed, Emerick Builders is willing to discuss the change and the modification and try within the limits of construction to incorporate your desires and wishes.

I hope these comments are useful to you. I would be pleased to discuss any of them with you if you desire.


G. Morris Southward

Dear Ed & Joanne,
You should know that we are most happy to assist you and also that you can’t ever expect a college professor to give a short answer. Well, here goes: Value: Value is a very subjective matter wherever there are many different aspects to the quality of a product. We look to such items as soundness of construction, ease of maintenance, aesthetics, quality of neighborhood, likelihood of long-term price stability (in real terms) as well as our personal needs and preferences. Our older son, a Finance professor very knowledgeable in Real Estate, personally helped us inspect various townhouses and condos and strongly supported our conclusion that this unity was the best value (within our budget) in Las Cruces. While the price was a bit high, we would not have been as well satisfied with the alternatives.

Quality: Industry standard is not terribly high in Las Cruces. Overall construction of our unit is clearly above industry standard, with high quality of workmanship. Cabinet work is about Las Cruces standard - OK.

Warranty: We had excellent service from you on warranty work. Most problems were minor; the major ones had to do with your supplier of doors - and you promptly obtained replacements.

Integrity & Professionalism: To us these are essentially one and the same. Your standards are very high.

Design: We are extremely pleased with the interior layout and design; it is at once pleasurable and efficient - we think it really great for us! The exterior design of patios and atrium is very pleasing; however, something should have been done to mitigate the excessive solar heating of the living room.

We tell everyone of our overall satisfaction with the unit and the pleasure of dealing with such fine persons as you two.


Ed & Isobel Thode

Dear Ed:
Deb and I would like to thank you again for building us a great house. It has been three years now and we just love it. We really enjoyed working with and Don. Perhaps when the kids are through college and we are ready to downsize, we can work with you again. Hope all is well with the Emerick family.

Best regards,

Eric Hanssen

Dear Ed:
We want to thank you and your entire family for making our journey to a new home a pleasant one.

Remember, it all started out when we were looking around the neighborhood and Anna suggested to us that we inquire at your model home there on Clearview Drive if we had any questions. At that time we did have questions, but had little thought that we would end up living here. Of course, after the passage of time (and with some effort on all our parts), we do in fact live here.

During every step of our process, our looking at existing houses that were on the market, looking at lots, deciding to build, selecting a lot, designing our new home, building it, selecting all the things that one has to select when building a home, through every step of the process you have been extremely patient and helpful. We really appreciate your help and particularly your patience.

You were even helpful with things that were not a part of our contract: helping us find a builder of kivas, helping work with him, helping us find someone to design the landscaping, helping work with her, helping us find Georgette Malooly and Cindy, and coordinating the work of your subcontractors and people like Manny Ortega, Jim McNutt, Hale Huber, Jim Neeley, Donnalee Botsford and Kenny Jameson who were doing things for us.

You have built for us a beautiful, substantial house. We have received many compliments on it already. And we appreciate a well-built house. Believe us, after living in a not-so-well-built house for years, we know the difference, and know the benefits of a well-built house. We want to encourage you to keep building well-built houses and to never let down on quality.

We are aware that you have probably taken a beating on this job, with the problems windows, air conditioner, trim carpenters, etc. And appreciate your calm attitude with respect to this.

We have loved getting to know your family. Every member has made a contribution to our home. Almost every member, that is. We can’t remember off the top of our heads just what Nathan has contributed except making us happy to see him. Anna made a big contribution to our being here as mentioned above. She is a very talented young lady who is always thoughtful and kind to us. Daniel’s good and reliable work on the job was great and much appreciated. He does a job right, and that seems to be out of the ordinary these days. Keep it up, Daniel. Joanne and Katherine’s house warming gift kept us satisfied and happy for several lunches. And the thoughtfulness at Christmas was thoroughly appreciated. And just seeing Nathan is always a joyful experience.

As a token of our appreciation for all that you have done and been to us, we have selected a couple of gifts for you and your family. First, we have obtained this coffee maker that should go well with the Emerick green in your home. Or, if you choose to use it in your model house, your newly hired docent can have coffee brewing as she conducts prospective clients through the Emerick Model. The aroma of brewing coffee adds to the charm and warmth of any home.

And secondly, we offer this cookbook, Not By Bread Alone - A Guide to Creative Ministry through Food. Marilou’s sister sent her a copy of this cookbook as a house warming gift. Please look on page 3 where it says, “Graciousness is hospitality, kindness and love united.” Gracious is what the Emerick family has been to the Duderstadts.

God’s riches and blessings on each of you.

With fondest regards,

Ed & Marilou

P.S. Oh, by the way, have we told you lately that we love our new home?

Dear Ed
Enclosed are two checks, totaling ******. This is the final payment for the beautiful house that you built for us. It has been a wonderful experience working with you in all the stages of building; from the initial design concept to the completed house.

Thank you for all your help, guidance, and expertise. We look forward to Joanne’s and your visit to see our home when we finish most of our unpacking.


Fred and Irma

Dear Ed,
I keep expecting to see you, but am never at home when you stop by. You probably cannot know how much it meant to me that you replaced our shower floor for us. It has made all the difference, Ed. I am so pleased! :) The fact that you would do that says a lot for the kind of person you are. It goes beyond just being a nice guy.

We want you to know how happy we are with our new home and how much we appreciate all your efforts to please us and made it perfect. Thank You!


Jim & Judy

A Note of Gratitude:
Ed Emerick and Emerick Construction is a joy to work with. We have never found a builder who is more honest, detailed, and focused on the home buyers’ needs than Ed Emerick.

Our relationship with Emerick Construction began 2 years ago when we first toured the 1995 Showcase of Homes. We originally though an Emerick home would be outside of our price range. We were wrong!! Ed Emerick worked with us to design the perfect home based on our current lifestyle and budget but that would grow to meet our future needs.

To guarantee his cost competitiveness, Ed Emerick then provide a bid to us with the opportunity to shop it around for a lower price. After a few interviews with other builders prior to the bid process, we knew inside that no other builder would give us the quality that we wanted, the customer attention that we required, and the integrity that is often so hard to find in the construction industry.

But it didn’t end there. We were in a home we needed to sell and could not begin construction until that happened. Ed Emerick never made us feel as if he did not want to be bothered by us until we were ready to begin construction of a new home. Instead he encouraged us, counseled us and ye, even prayed for us. His patience and gentle spirit was a breath of fresh air.

He has been an extremely valuable advisor in all aspects of our home design and construction. He has been pro-active in investigating and recommending efficiencies that resulted in cost savings to us without affecting the quality of the home. His attention to detail through all phases of construction ensured that all work performed was at the highest level of quality. From a customer standpoint, it is obvious that Ed Emerick goes above and beyond the call of duty. His commitment to God, his family, his work and his customers is genuine and apparent.

We hope not to build another home for a long time but if we had to build a new home tomorrow, Ed Emerick would be the only builder we would consider. We have truly been blessed to have been able to team up with such a wonderful builder.


The Muñoz Family

Well here’s a check finally paying off our balance. If there is any interest due please let us know and we’ll get that to you.

It sure is amazing that we’ve almost been in the house for a year. We’re almost learning where everything is. We’re happy as two bears in a beehive. Several people have either walked by or driven by and inquired who our builder was and we definitely told them.

Thanks for your patience and good graces to our family.


Mark & Cynthia Stansell

Dear Ed:
This letter is in appreciation of your diligence in following up on the small items that needed to be repaired after we moved into our beautiful new home. We are most pleased with the construction and your helpful advice in remodeling the few items we wanted changed.

We are very happy with our new home and if we should ever build another home, you will our be contractor. You are pleasant to work with, honest and pay attention to fine detail. We would certainty purchase this home again. You have fulfilled your warranty and more, having fixed things without us ever having to called you. There is a fine quality of workmanship throughout the house.

We are pleased with the design and are satisfied with all aspects of the home. We will be adding more space in the future and we certainly plan on having you build this addition for us. I am impressed with your innovative architecture and design found not only in our home but others you have built as well. Having looked at homes in Dallas, California, and Arizona before purchasing our home, we have seen original qualities in your homes which we haven’t found in expensive homes elsewhere.

I am proud to have you as my builder, neighbor, and friend.

Very truly yours,

Dr. James E. Green

Dear Ed & Joanne:
In answer to your letter received today requesting our permission to use our comments an Emerick built home, and our names, should you have a brochure printed on your homes, I think the best comment we could possibly say is that we have owned and lived in five Emerick built homes in the 35 years we have resided in Las Cruces. Four built by Lewis, and our present home built by Ed. We would say further, should we ever have another home built we would certainly want another Emerick built home. I think that should answer anyone’s questions.

If we can be of further help–let us know.


Howard & Jo Clayton
P.S. One other comment we might add. Not on the homes, but the area location. We think there is no place to compare to this area. It is out, but still so convenient to town. It is quiet and all nice neighbors.

To Ed and Joanne Emerick’s Potential Clients:
Here is a brief explanation of how and why we chose Ed as our contractor. Our situation was unusual in that we would be spending a lot of time on the design phase of our home and wanted a contractor who would be able to give input as needed. We interviewed around 5 contractors. We talked with each contractor to get a feel for his personality and beliefs about his work. We also asked to see several examples of the contractor’s work. We chose Ed because we felt that

  1. we could have a frank relationship with him without hard feelings
  2. we could trust him to give an accurate assessment of costs as the project progressed
  3. we would get a quality home, within our budget, and
  4. he would be sensitive and responsive to our needs.

It turns out that our working relationship with Ed lasted for two and a half years. We have since been in our home for an additional two and a half years. He worked very closely with us and responded well to our strict tolerances. We even remained under budget! Even after the year warranty on the home had expired, Ed has provided continuing support and guidance. Unlike the profit motivated contractor, Ed has a deep moral commitment to the owner and the home after completion. He does not simply close on the house and walk away.

We have a total sense of trust in Ed (something that we never expected to have in any contractor) and would not hesitate to use him again. Not only did we get a quality home but a lasting relationship with the Emerick family. We highly recommend Ed to anyone who is interested in building a custom home.


Richard and Sheila Hills

Dear Ed & Joanne,
In response to your letter of April 14, we are pleased to have an opportunity to comment on our experience regarding the various aspects of building a custom home. As you know, moving to Las Cruces from the Washing, D.C. area was quite a change. It was important to us to hold on to the amenities of our previous home life. For this reason, we undertook an extensive six month review of the Las Cruces housing market, especially locale and builders.

We were impressed with the Mesilla Park area because of its green environment and nice neighborhoods. We spoke with numerous homeowners and business people in Las Cruces for recommendation on quality home builders. Emerick construction was high on everyone’s list of recommended builders.

Our experience with you during the planning and construction of our new home certainly proved to us that the good reputation which Emerick construction enjoys in the community if well justified. The value of our new home, whether measured objectively by a professional appraisal or subjectively by our satisfaction with the end product, has met all our expectations.

The high quality of materials used and the superior workmanship is evident throughout the house. During the entire process you exhibited a high degree of professionalism in the coordination of the planning and construction phases, especially the selection and supervision of subcontractors. Moreover, the guidance provided with the numerous decision s during the planning and construction phases was always done with our best interests as well as our stated budget in mind.

We have heard many “horror” stories about building a home. We believe we were able to avoid such experiences because of the high degree of integrity you demonstrated during and after the building of our home.

In summary, we were very satisfied with the working relationship developed and even more with the first rate house we now affectionately call “our home”.


Roldán and Priscilla Trujillo

Dear Ed and Joanne,
We are pleased to have this opportunity to share our endorsement of Emerick homes with you as well as with prospective home buyers.

We selected you to build our home because of your well-deserved reputation for quality and integrity. You did not disappoint us and we are extremely pleased with our Emerick home. The materials and the workmanship are, in most cases, of high quality and you have been gracious and expedient in rectifying any problems we have had. We think our greatest endorsement of Emerick Construction would be in the area of personal service and attention. We have already shared our feelings with many people and would be more than happy to have our comments used in advertisements in your behalf.

We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere appreciation for all you have done. Please feel free to call on us if we can help in any way.


Steve and Betsy Bennett

Dear Ed:
Now that our extensive reconstruction work is done, I want to take a minute and tell you how pleased I am with the results.

As you know, we had sold the house in Florida and your products are far superior in both Quality and value. I personally appreciate your integrity and concern for your customers.

If and when we are in the market to build again, rest assured Emerick Construction will
do the job.


Frank Borman

Article from La Ventana magazine
Article from The Sun News


Land Development Services

Our philosophy of land development is simple and in keeping with our mission statement. The goal is to utilize a creative and disciplined approach to developing a piece of property in such a way as to bring an equitable return to investors/land owners and to us, the developer, while also creating something that everyone can appreciate and enjoy for decades to come.

Real Estate Services

Please fill out the following form with what you are looking for and Ed or an associate will get back with you as quickly as we can with the information that you need.

Commercial Development

Meeting commercial building codes while customizing beautiful office space is not unlike custom home building. The trend, at least in some people’s mind, is to make the work place more like home. This is where we excel. However, the commercial realm is also where we rely more heavily upon the expertise of engineers and architects as we work together to build something to satisfy your budgetary and aesthetic needs.

Emerick Real Estate & Construction, Inc.

3120 Good Shepherd Road
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Phone: (505) 524-9651
Fax (505) 527-8381